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本站网友  发表于 2021-11-24 17:07:36 |阅读模式 |广东省深圳市 电信


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  代表选举 the election of delegates

  全面建设社会主义现代化国家 build a modern socialist country in all respects

  党内民主 intraparty democracy

  坚定理想信念 commitment to ideals and convictions

  道德修养 moral traits

  女党员和少数民族党员代表应占一定比例Women and people from ethnic minorities should constitute a certain proportion of the delegates

  党的二十大 the Party's 20th National Congress

  二十大代表 delegates to the 20th National Congress

  选举单位 electoral units

  各级党员领导干部 Party officials at each level

  生产和工作第一线 the front line of production and work

  党内民主 intra-Party democracy

  政治品格 political character

  女代表 female delegates

  少数民族代表 delegates from ethnic minority groups

  新时期中美相处 China-US relations in the new era

  多次入境签证 multiple entry visa

  单次入境签证 single entry visa

  落地签 visa on arrival

  签证限制 visa restrictions

  合法权益 legitimate rights and interests

  歧视性限制措施 discriminatory and restrictive measures

  坚决反对任何形式的“台独” firm opposition to any form of “Taiwan independence” attempts

  维护海峡两岸和平 safeguard peace across the Taiwan Strait

  保持高度警惕 stay highly vigilant

  突破红线 cross the red line

  分裂势力separatist forces

  出入境盘查 entry-and-exit interrogations

  激怒ruffle feathers

  浓妆 heavy makeup

  强烈抗议strong protest

  颠覆传统审美标准departure from the typical standards of beauty

  时尚圈fashion circles

  运动员菜单 menu for athletes

  赛区 competition zones

  就餐区 dining areas

  智能消00机 intelligent disinfection devices

  常见香料 commonly used spices

  药检 doping tests

  北京烤鸭 Peking Roast Duck

  宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken

  木须肉 Moo Shu Pork

  四喜丸子 Braised Pork Balls in Gravy

  驴打滚儿 Lǘdagunr(glutinous rice rolls stuffed with red bean paste)

  豌豆黄 Pea Flour Cake

  中非民间论坛 China-Africa People's Forum

  中非友好China-Africa friendship

  中非卫生健康共同体China-Africa community of health for all

  学科类培训academic tutoring

  非学科类培训tutoring for nonacademic subjects

  夏令营summer camps

  研学之旅academic research tours

  游学study tours

  “双减”ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education

  超纲教学teaching beyond the syllabus

  招生对象enrollment targets

  课外活动extracurricular activities

  应试教育exam-oriented education

  义务教育compulsory education

  健康稳定的中美关系sound and steady China-U.S. relationship

  和平共处coexist in peace

  维护和平稳定的国际环境safeguard a peaceful and stable international environment

  有效应对气候变化、新冠肺炎疫情等全球性挑战 find effective responses to global challenges such as climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic

  达成共识 build consensus

  符合国际社会期待 meet the expectation of the international community

  首次公开募股initial public offering

  开市 start trading

  新上市公司 newly-listed companies

  证券交易所 stock exchange

  多层次资本市场 multi-level capital market

  数据安全事件data security incidents

  个人信息保护personal information protection

  数据分类分级保护制度a category- and class-based data protection system

  信息安全information security

  数据收集data collection

  隐私政策privacy policy

  言过其实exaggerate,overstate或make an overstatement

  北京证券交易所 Beijing Stock Exchange

  资本市场改革reform of capital market

  科创板STAR Market

  互联互通机制connectivity mechanism

  倾听之旅listening tours

  钻到美国裙子底下躲着去了run under the US skirt for protection

  经济发展平衡性、协调性、可持续性明显增强China’s economic development has become much more balanced, coordinated, and sustainable

  开辟了实现中华民族伟大复兴的正确道路 open up the right path for achieving rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

  人民至上put the people first

  胸怀天下 maintain a global vision

  不懈奋斗 make tireless efforts

  国家电投State Power Investment Corp

  供暖季heating season

  海阳核电1号机组Unit 1 of the Haiyang Nuclear Plant

  世界最大热电联产机组the world's largest cogeneration unit

  减排二氧化碳18万吨cut carbon dioxide emissions by 180,000 metric tons

  集中供暖central heating

  清洁能源clean energy

  “零碳”供暖“zero-carbon” heating

  核电机组nuclear power units

  热电联产机组cogeneration unit

  二氧化碳carbon dioxide

  二氧化硫sulfur dioxide

  氮氧化物nitrogen oxide

  全面建成小康社会finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects
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